by Elena Mihas
The Alto Perené-Spanish illustrated thematic dictionary is a third instance of community-based production of language materials for individual native households, bilingual teachers, and community leaders in the Upper Perené valley of Chanchamayo Province, Peru. This Western Amazonian Arawak language of Kampan subgrouping is on a downward trajectory, spoken by the parental and grandparental generations. Radical socio-economic changes of the last century had a significant impact on the community’s ways of living and speaking. The most notable transformations are transition from subsistence economy to cash economy based on fixed-field agriculture, and a shift from monolingual to bilingual social interaction among the indigenous population. Due to a growing awareness among native speakers of the rapid language shift to the language of wider communication, Spanish, important language documentation and revitalization work has been undertaken since 2009. Between 2009 and 2014, over 50 community members have been engaged in the production of two multi-genre text collections, Añaani katonkosatzi parenini and Upper Perené Arawak narratives ofhistory, landscape, and ritual, and a thematic dictionary, Iñani katonkosatzi. Diccionario temático ilustrado Alto Perene-castellano. All three projects have been managed by the language consultant team led by Gregorio Santos Pérez, a bilingual specialist and supervisor of the area’s 26 bilingual elementary school teachers employed by the local Department of Education. Reflecting the collective nature of the endeavor, the contributors’ pictures were prominently placed on the first pages of the dictionary. The team’s work has received the necessary support from the community’s influential political figures. In 2009, the language documentation project was endorsed by the tribal chief of Bajo Marankiari Osbaldo Rosas, and in 2011, by the president of the local political organization CECONSEC (Central de las Comunidades Nativas de la Selva Central), Héctor Martin Manchi.
The Alto Perené-Spanish illustrated thematic dictionary is a third instance of community-based production of language materials for individual native households, bilingual teachers, and community leaders in the Upper Perené valley of Chanchamayo Province, Peru. This Western Amazonian Arawak language of Kampan subgrouping is on a downward trajectory, spoken by the parental and grandparental generations. Radical socio-economic changes of the last century had a significant impact on the community’s ways of living and speaking. The most notable transformations are transition from subsistence economy to cash economy based on fixed-field agriculture, and a shift from monolingual to bilingual social interaction among the indigenous population. Due to a growing awareness among native speakers of the rapid language shift to the language of wider communication, Spanish, important language documentation and revitalization work has been undertaken since 2009. Between 2009 and 2014, over 50 community members have been engaged in the production of two multi-genre text collections, Añaani katonkosatzi parenini and Upper Perené Arawak narratives ofhistory, landscape, and ritual, and a thematic dictionary, Iñani katonkosatzi. Diccionario temático ilustrado Alto Perene-castellano. All three projects have been managed by the language consultant team led by Gregorio Santos Pérez, a bilingual specialist and supervisor of the area’s 26 bilingual elementary school teachers employed by the local Department of Education. Reflecting the collective nature of the endeavor, the contributors’ pictures were prominently placed on the first pages of the dictionary. The team’s work has received the necessary support from the community’s influential political figures. In 2009, the language documentation project was endorsed by the tribal chief of Bajo Marankiari Osbaldo Rosas, and in 2011, by the president of the local political organization CECONSEC (Central de las Comunidades Nativas de la Selva Central), Héctor Martin Manchi.
the initial stages of the dictionary project in 2011, consultations were
conducted with the president of CECONSEC and primary language consultants with
regard to the dictionary’s structure and contents, the alphabet, and the project
schedule. (The alphabet remains a difficult issue, and is still in the process
of being modified in light of community members’ ongoing feedback.) Motivated
by the rapidly disappearing lexical domains covering culture-specific traditional
subsistence activities and ritual behavior, the decision was made to produce a
thematic dictionary of Alto Perené language and culture containing c.3000
entries and sub-entries. Later on, the number of entries was revised in light
of tight budget constraints, since the production costs were to be nearly fully
covered by the Foundation for Endangered Languages grant, unless the number of
pages exceeded a hundred. It was also important to produce color illustrations
to make the dictionary more useful for the purposes of pedagogical application,
which significantly increased the cost per copy. As a result, the published
dictionary contains 956 entries and sub-entries and is a 105-page publication,
with 62 pages in color. The overall publication expense was 1080USD for 50 hard
Figure 1. The editors Bernardo Gaspar Signón (left) and Gregorio Santos Pérez (right) discussing the design of the dictionary (2013) |
The thematic
dictionary was envisioned to include the most essential lexicon employed in hunting,
fishing, gathering, gardening, ritual practices, warfare, and medicinal
treatments. These were considered by
many native speakers to be the most representative semantic domains, enabling
to capture the distinctions of Alto Perené culture. The published version
contains 16 rubrics: ikovintsatantari
pairani ‘how they hunted in the past’, ishimaatantari
pairani ‘how they fished in the past’, ipankitantari,
ikoyantari pairani ‘how they planted and harvested in the past’, antavairintsipatsaini ‘small works’
(i.e. craft-making), ovarentsi ‘food’,
ovayeritantsi ‘war’, yantantarori ivankopaye ‘how they made
their houses’, ijajeetantari yayi tzivi
‘how they travel to extract salt’, yamanantariri
ivavani ‘how they worship their gods’, isheninkapaye
‘their kinfolk’, mantsiyarentsi,
matsitantsi ‘disease and witchcraft’, tovari
yaavintantari ‘herbs which they use to administer medicinal treatments’, kipatsi ‘land’, ovaironi paisato iipatsite ‘ancient names of their land’, atziri iriperantzi ‘the best people’, iñani ivakoitantyarori kameetsa ‘words
which they use to explain well’ (i.e. ideophones).
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Figure 2. Ruth Quillatupa Lopez (left) and Delia Rosas Rodríguez (right) discussing the map produced by Ruth’s son, Daniel Bernales Quillatupa (2013) |
dictionary is well-illustrated. Illustrations were produced by native speakers
and me. Two maps, by Daniel Bernales Quillatupa and Gregorio Santos Pérez, of
the Alto Perené Arawak ancestral land, with its sacred landmarks marked and
their names designated, have been included. Three native artists, Daniel
Bernales Quillatupa, Rither Giovani Santos Meza, and Gregorio Santos Pérez have
drawn 38 illustrations for the dictionary. Unfortunately, some artists’ names
are not known. For example, the name of the artist whose painting serves as the
dictionary cover was not possible to ascertain. The original was drawn on a
piece of wood and is located in Pampa Michi. A few images of birds and game
which I obtained in the Centro Cultural (Center of Culture) in La Merced remain
anonymous as well. The photographs of language consultants, tools, homes,
medicinal herbs, and landmarks were taken by me, excepting three digital images
provided by the primary consultants Gregorio Santos Pérez and Daniel Bernales
Quillatupa at my request.
The work
flow consisted of three stages: (i) consultations and planning; (ii) collection
of data, and (iii) revision/editing. As
mentioned previously, consultations involved the community’s leadership and
primary consultants. During the second stage in 2011, after critical issues of
the dictionary’s production were clarified, language consultants, with my
assistance, started putting together a dictionary database. Three primary
consultants, Gregorio Santos Pérez, Daniel Bernales Quillatupa, and Delia Rosas
Rodríguez, worked individually
to complete the Alto Perené wordlist whose design and contents were modeled on
the SIL comparative African wordlist
(SILCAWL) by Keith Snider and James Roberts. The collected material allowed us to
compile a file which contained entries from the targeted semantic domains. Primary
language consultants were paid 12-15PEN per hour for consultancy work, and a
lump sum for a written work that they produced.
The next step was to provide explanations of these
terms, and if needed, illustrate the concept with a drawing or a photograph. Since
the community’s traditional knowledge structures have been significantly
weakened in the last half a century, the most challenging task was to find
knowledgeable speakers who remembered why a place was named this way, how a
particular tool was made, or a fishing technique was utilized, or a certain treatment
was conducted in the past. In 2012-2014, to
this end, I made multiple trips to the communities of Pampa Michi, Pucharini, Pumpuriani,
and Mariscal Cáceres, usually accompanied by Dora Meza Santos. Three primary consultants, Gregorio
Santos Pérez, Daniel Bernales Quillatupa, and Delia Rosas Rodríguez canvassed Alto Perené settlements asking
their family members, neighbors, and friends to go on record about the
community’s past everyday practices. In particular, Gregorio Santos Pérez
visited 8 hillside communities on the left bank of the Perené River; Daniel Bernales Quillatupa interviewed
his old friend and colleague Otoniel Ramos Rodríguez in his Churingaveni
residence; Delia Rosas Rodríguez worked with six members of her extended family
in Bajo Marankiari. The collected texts were inserted into the dictionary, in many
cases serving as both an illustration of the lexeme’s usage and explanation of
this particular word’s meaning. Secondary language consultants were paid
10-12PEN per hour.
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Figure 5. Gregorio Santos Pérez (editor) at work (2014) |
of the self-editing production scheme, unfortunately, the quality of editing
work was not satisfactory. Some typos were overlooked in both native-language
texts and Spanish, the most blatant being the word temático ‘thematic’ which is missing the diacritical mark (acute
accent) in the dictionary. In addition, there were disagreements among editors
over spellings of Alto Perené words and dialectal variants of some lexemes,
which were not easy to reconcile because of the editors’ principled positions
on the issues under consideration. In particular, it was proposed to eliminate one
of the graphemes and , which stand respectively for
aspirated and unaspirated alveolar affricates, using instead either
(as suggested by Gregorio Santos Pérez) or (as advised by Bernardo
Gaspar Signón). Eventually, we agreed to keep both graphemes. Two editors
(Bernardo Gaspar Signón and Gloria Nuria Capurro Nestor) strongly objected to
including dialectal variants of words, calling them barbarismos ‘barbarisms’. As a result, in some cases, dialectal
variants were excluded, exemplified by chakopi~chekopi ‘arrow’, with chekopi being assessed as a non-local
word and rejected. In other cases, the editors felt that both variants were acceptable,
such as ompikiritoki~impikiritoki
‘naranjillo’. Also, dissemination of the draft to language consultants and formation
of the editors’ team in 2014 generated tensions due to tribal rivalry, gender
inequality, and social divisions. Some male contributors felt that they should
have been selected to serve as editors, rather than a female. Others were
concerned with the pecking order of the names and pictures of the contributors
in the publication.
Figure 7. A dictionary compiled and self-produced by Bernardo Gaspar Signón, from Pucharini |
the dictionary is disseminated to the community members in 2015, it will be
revised in light of the readers’ feedback. The next step will be to produce a
trilingual version, Alto Perené-Spanish-English thematic dictionary, which is hoped
to be published by Lincom Europa.
This Western Amazonian Arawak language of Kampan subgrouping is on a downward trajectory, spoken by the parental and grandparental generations.Joe Mitchell